Thursday, August 31, 2006

History - pt. 2

So anyway, I get this cool job playing with Flash all day, and trying to come up with interesting ways to train people.  The biggest problem we've had is that our bosses don't understand how much time it takes to complete a module (at least, a somewhat decent one).  Our second problem is that we create modules.  Basically, the student logs-in... hits the "Next" button on a 20 minutes Flash modules... takes a test... moves one.  Some of the modules are pretty cool, but I doubt anyone spends more time with them than needed.
Our training division as a whole has developed from a "we need it now" philosophy, and that has trickled down to the Online team as well.  Instead of spending a few weeks planning out how to most effectively implement a new training topic,  we get told that a module needs to be complete in 5 days.  It really doesn't leave a lot of room of experimenting and trying out new things.
When I first got the position, I must say I didn't really know any better.  I had this feeling that what we were doing wouldn't be as effective as it could be,  but I didn't know enough to question it.  A few years have past, and I've since discovered some great blogs and even attended my first E-Learning Conference a few weeks ago.  While the Conference didn't live up to my expectations, at least I'm better aware of some of the other ideas out there.
even more to come....


A Brief History - Pt. 1

My name isn't really Howard Cronin, but I'm not sure about my company's policy on blogging about work. I don't plan on giving out trade secrets or anything... I just want to use this place as a repository for various challenges and information I encounter at work.

A quick history of me: My first introduction to formalized, non-classroom-based training was during the many summers I spent working at a youth camp. The last few summers I worked there, I was actually part of the team that came up with the "curriculum" for the training, and we would present it at the start of the summer -- during a staff training week.

From there, I went more into multimedia/web development, and didn't do much in the way of training. Then a few years back, I saw that a position was available that integrated multimedia (Flash) with corporate training. I was completly unaware that there was a formal "thing" called e-learning... and that people actually had jobs and made money doing the two things I loved most: Educating and making fun, interactive movies. So, that's where I am now.

more later...

First Post

First Post.


Now I need to add in some















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